
Japan's first mosque to witness history

Japan is known to us as a modern technology and electronic machinery manufacturing country. But how many of us are, who are aware of the history of Islam in Japan, the number of Muslims and the mosque! Many people do not know that after the Second World War, religious education in Japan's universities has been banned, but today millions of Muslims live in that country.Of them, 10 percent of the original Japanese descent.History of Islam in Japan is not new, but they know about Islam from Chinese and British books. In 1886, Japan's relations with the Muslim world were developed. At that time Turkey sent a ship towards Japan. On the way back, the ship sank near Japan. Then rescue the survivors and get them back to Turkey. In this way, Japan's involvement with the Muslims continued to grow.After World War II the spread of Islam began. During the war, Japanese soldiers stayed in different Muslim countries.After seeing the beauty of Islam there they became interested in Islam. Omar Bukena, a Army Chief, announced the return of Islam to Islam. Since then, the number of recipients of Islam continued to grow. Apart from this, migrating to Chinese Muslims in Japan has played a great role in spreading Islam in the region. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the Qur'an and other Islamic texts have been translated into Japanese. Mosques and Islamic centers have been established. They are also contributing to the promotion of Islam in Japan.The first mosque in Japan has a rare story. It is known as 'Kobe Mosque'. The mosque is located in the city of Kobe. Kobe is Japan's sixth largest city. It is located 30 kilometers north of the town of Akosha on the south side of Hanshoe Islands. It is a geographical and economically important and traditional city.This Kobe mosque is built in the efforts and efforts of several prominent businessmen of Japan, especially Muslims living in Japan. It also has some familiarity with Kobe Muslim Center. Money began to be started from 1928 to build the mosque and the work continued to work gradually. Finally, in 1935, the construction work was completed. The mosque, built on Turkish construction system, became a sight-seeing architecture.On August 2 of that year, formal prayers started on Friday. Since the time was hot, so they waited till the winter. On October 11, local non-Muslim residents invited residents to visit the mosque. Six hundred Japanese attended the ceremony. Kobe City Mayor Mr. Ginziro Katzoda said in his speech on that day, "I firmly expect that the mosque will play a special role in the formation of coexistence, harmony and harmony among Muslims and non-Muslims, above all, a peaceful and disciplined society. 'From the beginning till today, the mosque has become a great document and a witness in history. It is one of Japan's oldest historical monuments.When World War II began, in 1945 the American soldiers were completely destroyed by bombing. They all mix the buildings and architecture of the city with the soil. But it is a matter of surprise that the city of Kobe has survived in the self-interest. Only a few glass windows and some piles of glass were dropped. At that time, Japan's fighters took shelter in the underground cell of the mosque to protect themselves from the brutality and attacks of the American army. They had no alternative to hide without mosques. Thus the mosque became a refuge for all the peoples.The rare history of the mosque is not finished here. Earthquake in Japan in 1995, the big Hensin or Kobe earthquake called the disaster as the second largest earthquake in Japan's history. Although the earthquake mixed with all the surrounding buildings, the mosque remains safe in self-reliance. Because of this, the Japanese still look at the mosque with astonishing eyes. (References: Japan Reference and Islam in Japan Media)Author: Talker, Ikra TV, London

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