
The mysteries of killing children in the animal kingdom

There is no comparison between mother's love for the child. It is not only for people, it is equally true for all types of animals and insects. But in spite of this, sometimes in the biosphere, it is seen that his mother is killing her in her own hands. Even after killing, the incidents of eating your child are happening occasionally. But most of the occurrence is seen, that is not their own child, but killing a child of one of their own tribes.

In the case of zoology, the incidence of killing children of their own species is known as infantia or infanticide. There is also an almost synonym for ovaseide, which means that before its birth a person is born to destroy his eggs. Infinality is a branch of the Infinalis, which means killing your own child. When another creature kills a child when he kills his child, it is called Filial canibalism. Infanticide or infanticide is seen in various organisms, including fish, birds, amphibians, insects. However, it is most common for mammals. Among them, lions, dolphins, baboons etc. are notable.
Although rogue and seemingly contrary to nature's rules, researchers and researchers at different times have found some reasons to kill animals in killing animals.

Food and service guarantees

Generally, when an animal is born, it carries on all its children equally. But if it is such that one or more children become seriously ill or born as weak or crippled, then there is a possibility that the mother will kill comparatively weak children to ensure adequate food and care for the rest of her children. This type of trend is observed among several animals including pigs, rabbits, cowboys.
Professor Doug Mc, professor of biology at the University of Oklahoma in the United States, said the source of the collection of animals is limited. As a result, if a child becomes weak or ill, then their parents feel restricted to spend limited food on their back. In that case, they either abandoned or killed the sick child. And the carnivorous mammals usually eat their own child after killing.

For example, in 2013, a bear named Kali, in the United States National Ju, gave birth to a bear after killing three babies. After some time when he killed the second child, the zoo authorities recovered the body of the child and removed the third child from there.
After examining the doctors, the dead child was ill. According to Evolutionary anthropologist Leslie Digby of Duke University, when mothers realize that their child is seriously ill, they are more concerned about animals than to destroy their labor and food behind their care and to give attention to the rest of the children and themselves.
Zoo's caretaker Tony Barthele said, "Not only bear, but lions, predatory dogs and many other animals behave the same way." He further said that such animals would eat most of the time after killing their children. Because the body is nourished by the mother's nutrition and energy. Besides, if you do not eat, you can get bad stomach and attract insects.

In male animals, lion is often seen to kill the children of their own tribe. There is usually one or two male lions in a lion's team. In any case, if another lion lion can take the leadership of the party away from them, they would almost immediately kill the lions of that group.
Craig Stanford, a mammal expert at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, said that the newly arrived male lion considers spending one's own energy and effort on the food and shelter of the former lions as a waste of food. But later when the same lioness was born to his own child, he cared for them with care.

Dynasty Confidence
In many cases their juvenile roles play a major role in the killing of children of the same species of male animals. The first thing in the 1970s was seen by the University of California anthropologist Sarah Hardy.
Later, a researcher at the University of Cambridge Professor Deter Lucas and his colleague, French National Center for Scientific Research, Alice Huchard, conducted a study on 260 species of animals, among which 119 species were shown to be among the killers of childhood. They observed that in the case of animals which have multiple male and female animals together and few male animals are led by that group, among them there is a tendency to kill the other children of their own group by male animals.
They ex

plain the matter thus, women do not usually meet male organisms until they grow up after they are born. But men do not agree to wait so long. With the aim of spreading the offspring of their own children, the relatively strong men of the party kill the previous children of the female animals, as if they can meet him and have his own child. Huchard explains as an extreme expression of the sex war between mammals.

The result of this conflict is that most of the female members of the party, who are given birth to their children

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