
The science fiction is now realistic!

The era of current era science. Science and technology are moving very fast. One that seemed like a fantasy, or which was found only in fiction or science fiction books and movies, is coming to the forefront of our day in reality. And making our life easier and comfortable. Let's know about the five technologies which were considered to be the fictional technology only a few days ago, but for the welfare of the scientists, they have become reality now. 

1) Laser arms with speed of light
It's an integral element of scientific fiction. It has been used in various films based on scientific fiction including Star Wars. Through this, target targets are removed by throwing energy in the form of hot light rays or lasers that target distant objects. With the increase in the distance between conventional bullets or missiles, the direction of it becomes changing in the form of palaces or ellipses. The result is comparatively difficult to target. But in the case of laser wave, it is possible to hit the objects far enough.Laser Weapon is no longer confined to the fictional books or movies. The US Army has begun its use in real warfare by passing the experimental stage in the laboratory. In 2014, the USS Ponce warship, the US Navy, located in the Persian Gulf, was first introduced to the Laser Weapon System (LaWS). After successfully concluding the test in December of that year, the US Navy advised that Laser Warfare worked successfully and the Commander of the Warship was allowed to use it as a protective weapon.This weapon will be able to throw a huge amount of photon particles to target objects per second at the speed of light. That means its speed will be 50,000 times more than the intercontinental missile. It does not have to consider the distance, height, wind speed - nothing during throwing. Just pressing the switch will make the target in the target. At the same time, the specific part of the target area will reach the temperature of several thousand degrees Celsius and it will be degraded.Currently it is used to protect the ship from the drone attack. In future, it will be used for destroying missiles, any type of combat aircraft and submarines. 

 2) Wireless power transfer system

Famous scientist Nikola Tesla gave the idea of ​​the first non-radio power in 1890. But it has only started to take shape in the last decade. By this method, transmitter is possible to transfer electricity through the use of the magnetic field without any connection to the receiver. In the transmitter, the magnetic field is created through the chronic electrical current in copper wire coil. If another wire is brought into the magnetic field, then it can override the chronic electrical current as a flow, then it can save it using it.Recently the technology of wireless power transfer has made considerable progress. Several companies are working to market commercially wireless wireless phone chargers through this technology. As a result, the user will not need to sit near the electrical connection to charge the mobile phone. It is possible to charge the phone from anywhere within the magnetic field.It will also be possible to charge electric cars in the garage parked condition. The installation of televisions and other electronic equipment will not require cable connections. If the technology improves further in the future, the use of wires at home, or office-courts will be greatly reduced.3) Printed human organsThe 3D printer is now a well-known technology, which allows you to print three-dimensional objects instead of printing on paper. It is going to make revolutionary progress in medical science by reproducing many organs very soon. Scientists have been able to create various organs including artificial arteries, skin, ears and hopefully, it will be possible to create artificial heart, lungs and other organs within the next few decades.Scientists first collect cells from damaged organs, then they produce more cells and tissues from the bio-ink in the laboratory. Then they face various viruses and bacteria in the laboratory, to check their effectiveness. In addition to replacing injured organs in the event of accidents and diseases, artificial limbs will play an important role in testing the efficacy of newly discovered drugs.4) Flying carGoogle's driverless vehicle is now known to us but fewer news about flying cars comes to us. But after 15 years of research, a group of Israeli scientist has been able to build a flying car. The car weighs 1.5 tons weighs 500 kg weight. Its speed is 185 kilometers per hour. In November last year, the car successfully completed the first airplane.The flying car has been originally designed for the Israeli army, which can be used to rescue the injured soldiers from the battlefield, to provide food to them, or to remove people from a locality for urgent need. The car could fly by using an internal fan instead of an external fighter like a helicopter.At present, its value is estimated at 1.4 million US dollars. The car's production company tax

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